Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Always Something

This morning I fired up the ol' laptop with the intended purpose of posting my second entry onto my new blog. The morning air was crisp and cool, while the first rays of dawn edged over the horizon. The peculiar sound of windows loading penetrated the stillness -- I sipped a little morning blend waiting for the moment.

Clicking on the Internet Explorer icon, my senses quickened. Now I simply had to type in my blog url and I could begin placing words and phrases together for the second day in a row! My blog leaped to the screen, and then . . ..

then there was more clicks! My blog was there and then it was gone! Hijacked to some site seeking to sell me on how much I needed viagra. Ugh! Some spyware had attached itself! With some effort it was removed, but the opportunity, the moment was lost forever!

Isn't that how life is sometimes! We long for those special moments! We long for all to be right with the world. The sad news is that the not all is right in the world. The good news is that God is control no matter what the world or our current status happens to be. Psalm 46:10 says: "Be still and know that I am God"

I shut down my computer. Sipped a little more of the morning blend, and then I closed my eyes and quietly slipped into His Presence. Though that moment was lost, there will be other moments. Right now I will give thanks enjoy this moment.

Take some time today to just be quiet before the Lord!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Power of Written Word

This morning, as i was surfing the net, i came across a reference to a new book -- a twenty-something devotional from author Sarah Arthurs. Sarah and her husband intentionally live in a difficult section of Durham SC, intending to make a difference in their world. From her location she has written multiple books, and is impacting not just Durham, but people through out the US and the World.

It occured to me once again today, the power and influence that the written word has to effect life transformational change within an individual. Ask anyone who knows me, and they will tell you that I am a highly verbal person. Writing is not necessarily one of my strong suites.

One of the reasons today I have begun this blog is to stretch my writing skills, share all most on a daily so others could join me on this incredible journey God has called me on, and reach out to the world outside of Ransomville NY.

I invite you to interact with me - come back often - and discover with me the power of the transformational Word of God.

This is so kewl!!!!!