Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Driving Perspective

Looking in the rear view mirror of my Chevy van, I noticed that the center metal strip of the rear doors remained a constant distance from the highway white strip. When the van went around a corner or moved, it was always the same proportional distance away. . . and then I had this thought -- is it possible to drive by simply looking in your rear view mirror?

Now I know that some of you possibly reading this are wondering, he isn't going to is he? while those of you who truly know me, know that ... oh yes he is! So I cast my gaze to where I had come from and tried to drive successfully down the road.

At first, the experience was incredible. It worked! I was driving by viewing everything from the rear of the vehicle, and then it happened. I began hearing the sound of rumbling. The kind of rumbling that comes when ones tires hit that strip on the right side of the road. And I began to have other thoughts, thoughts like, how can you know when the road ahead curves to the right or the left. Looking only to where you have been doesn't allow you to adjust to the future direction of your vehicle. How interesting!

I have now discovered that in order to successfully navigate ones course, you must look ahead to where you are going. Looking to the past helps assess that we indeed are going in the right direction, but we must concentrate our vision toward the future.

If this forward looking is important in driving, how important is it in our lives, and in our walk with God?

As we close out 2008, there is some value to look to the past, but I'm guessing it is more important to look to the future. What is your "destination" for 2009? What road or path is God putting before you? Are you recognizing that you must always cast yours forward?

Have a very happy and forward looking New Year!


Anonymous said...

I loved this message because it gave me encouragement. Satan has a way of making us feel like we're too distant from God to connect by reminding us of our past. When he does this I instantly go into depression and feeling hopeless. Thank God that I don't have to submit to this feeling. I have an advocate, Jesus Christ. This does not give me a liscense to continue in sin and failure, but I can take the wheel with both hands and FOCUS on what lies ahead of me. Although my past continues to haunt me I am not backing up. Also, I know that even when I do look back as long as I'm driving forward the thing behind me will get smaller and smaller until it disappears. Thank you pastor because FOCUS in 09 is what will keep me in this journey.

Anonymous said...

Thank You for sharing a messege of Love and Hope to a boy in Jamestown NY 20 some years ago. By God's Grace, the messege will continue to live on. Be Blessed my friend.