Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 5

Last night i was sitting in front of a warm fire with my laptop up and running, just enjoying catching up on friends through Facebook. I love the way it allows me to keep connected with those who are so important in my life. Then it happened . . .

My computer started flashing this warning. it must have been flashing unnoticed for some time because all of the sudden it shut off! My computer crashed! The horror! I was disconnected and I feared the worst. Virus? Hard drive gone bad?

What I discovered leads me to today's reason - reason number 4 -- why it is important to be connected -- connected to God and to others is that connections empower us!

What I discovered is that while I was sitting there my power cord had become disconnected. When I reconnected my computer, I was able to reconnect to the internet and to my friends.

Power flows through connections! A disconnected computer makes it difficult to connect to the internet. A disconnected toaster can't produce warmth. A disconnected stereo can't play delightful music. A single disconnected wire can prevent your car from taking on that much anticipated luncheon date (get to go as soon as I finish this blog!).

The same is true for us spiritually if we are disconnected from God -- we lose the warmth, beautify, power, and direction that God intends for our life.

What step do you need to take today to be connected to the ultimate power source?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 4

Linda, my bride of almost 29 years, loves to put jigsaw puzzles together. When she begins there are pieces everywhere and as you look at all the pieces you have no idea what it all means . . . it doesn't make any sense, just a jumbled mess.

Today's reason -- reason number 4 -- why it is important for us to be connected -- connected to God and to others, is that connections help us understand life!

Connections enlarge our perspective. There is a mystery to life, that can seem like a series of random unrelated events until one is able to see the connections. Like a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces must be joined together in order for us to see the big picture. Information is useless unless we see how it connects to some part of our life.

Think of a time when thing you solved the "jigsaw mystery". How will this information, when connected to the reality of your day today, help you put the pieces together?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 3

Love makes the world go 'round!

Reason number three on why we need to be connected is . . Love is the ultimate connection!

The Bible says, and this is very important, love each other! "Love is what holds you altogether in perfect unity" Colossians 3:14 NCV When Jesus was asked what matters most in life, he said, "Love God with all your heart, and love others as your self."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 2

"One is the loneliest number that you ever do . . . " Can you hear that Three Dog Night song? Loneliness is one of the most painful of human emotion! We all need to be needed.

Today's reason - reason number 2 - why it is important for us to be connected -- connected to God and to others, is that you and I were created for connections!

I mean think about it for a second. How many of you pay attention to brand names on your clothes, or cheer together at sporting event -- like a Yankees game, or wave your lighter or cell phone at a Tom Petty concert. In each of these incidences we are seeking the sense of connectedness. Without connections, to each other, but especially to God our Creator, life feels empty.

Romans 12:5
The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. (the message)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 1

At Ransomville Free Methodist Church we believe that we were created for connection! Our church exists to connect all people to Jesus. In connecting to Jesus we also find it essential to connect to one another! Currently I am on the tailend of a personal spiritual retreat. One of the items that I have been reading was a magazine by Rick Warren. In the beginning of this mag he lays out ten reasons we need to be connected. I thought that these were so basic, clear, and important, that I want to for the next 10 days share with you 1 reason each day.

Reason 1 - Connections are the essence of life!

All one has to do is to look at how you and are made -- many different parts, but each connected to the other. None of our parts can live on their own - they are dependent on the "body connection". Now the body can from time to time continue to live without some of its less essential parts, but it still is still a connected unit.

What is true about the body, is true about everything else! A disconnected life is really no life at all.

1 Corinthians 12:12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.