Friday, February 13, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 2

"One is the loneliest number that you ever do . . . " Can you hear that Three Dog Night song? Loneliness is one of the most painful of human emotion! We all need to be needed.

Today's reason - reason number 2 - why it is important for us to be connected -- connected to God and to others, is that you and I were created for connections!

I mean think about it for a second. How many of you pay attention to brand names on your clothes, or cheer together at sporting event -- like a Yankees game, or wave your lighter or cell phone at a Tom Petty concert. In each of these incidences we are seeking the sense of connectedness. Without connections, to each other, but especially to God our Creator, life feels empty.

Romans 12:5
The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. (the message)


Anonymous said...

As a "Connect Pastor" I fully endorse this post, except for the part about being at a Yankees' game. Hopefully they can continue to connect with their near decade long playoff losing streak.

pblowery said...

Some how the credibility of your comments becomes woefully tainted because of your Boston connection -- how do you expect people to take you seriously . . .

btlowery said...

As a Phillies fan, my question leans towards who cares about these trite contentions?

pblowery said...

one man's "trite" is another man's "monumental"