Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 5

Last night i was sitting in front of a warm fire with my laptop up and running, just enjoying catching up on friends through Facebook. I love the way it allows me to keep connected with those who are so important in my life. Then it happened . . .

My computer started flashing this warning. it must have been flashing unnoticed for some time because all of the sudden it shut off! My computer crashed! The horror! I was disconnected and I feared the worst. Virus? Hard drive gone bad?

What I discovered leads me to today's reason - reason number 4 -- why it is important to be connected -- connected to God and to others is that connections empower us!

What I discovered is that while I was sitting there my power cord had become disconnected. When I reconnected my computer, I was able to reconnect to the internet and to my friends.

Power flows through connections! A disconnected computer makes it difficult to connect to the internet. A disconnected toaster can't produce warmth. A disconnected stereo can't play delightful music. A single disconnected wire can prevent your car from taking on that much anticipated luncheon date (get to go as soon as I finish this blog!).

The same is true for us spiritually if we are disconnected from God -- we lose the warmth, beautify, power, and direction that God intends for our life.

What step do you need to take today to be connected to the ultimate power source?

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