Monday, March 23, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 8

It was my first day at school, not elementary, but seminary. I had come to the gym at Asbury Theological Seminary to register for my first semester of classes. Enrolling for classes wasn't new to me, but I had never enrolled here. Fear of failure and what lied ahead chocked me. Standing there trying to decide what to do, like run and hide, I sensed others near me. One of the group came up to me and began a conversation and soon we were talking and walking ogether through the maze of confusion.

Today's reason - reason number 8 - why it is so important for us to be connected, connected to God and to others is connections increase our confidence.

Rick Warren constantly says: "We are better together." The more spiritually connected we are, the less likely we will struggle with fear and insecurity. We gain assurance in knowing that others have felt the way we do and have survived what we are currently facing.

Who are the "others" in your life -- no not the people on the island, but the people on your island? Who can you come alongside of today and encourage?

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