Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 1

At Ransomville Free Methodist Church we believe that we were created for connection! Our church exists to connect all people to Jesus. In connecting to Jesus we also find it essential to connect to one another! Currently I am on the tailend of a personal spiritual retreat. One of the items that I have been reading was a magazine by Rick Warren. In the beginning of this mag he lays out ten reasons we need to be connected. I thought that these were so basic, clear, and important, that I want to for the next 10 days share with you 1 reason each day.

Reason 1 - Connections are the essence of life!

All one has to do is to look at how you and are made -- many different parts, but each connected to the other. None of our parts can live on their own - they are dependent on the "body connection". Now the body can from time to time continue to live without some of its less essential parts, but it still is still a connected unit.

What is true about the body, is true about everything else! A disconnected life is really no life at all.

1 Corinthians 12:12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bill, I didn't know you were a blogger. Good to connect with you through the bloggosphere. I am glad we are connected!

pblowery said...

yepper. although there is nothing daily about my blog. i simply post when the mood strikes me. it used to bother me when i couldn't daily journal, and when i failed i would actually feel so defeated. then one day reading wesley's journal it dawned on me that wesley didn't journal daily . . . who knew? now i feel much better . . . hope you have a great weekend! preach this coming weekend like it is your last opportunity to share the Word . . .