Friday, March 20, 2009

Reasons To Be Connected - Reason 7

She seemed to be suspended at this precarious angle for what seemed like an enormously long time, and then she found her balance and regained her stable footing. My daughter Cierra is a gymnast. Of all the events that she performs the most difficult for her is the balance beam - this 6 inch wide piece of wood suspended in the air. I have trouble just walking a straight line let alone trying to do flips and hand stands - the mental image you have at this moment is not a pretty one -- neither is the one I have.

Today's reason -- reason number 7 -- why it is important for us to be connected -- connected to God and to others, is that connections help us balance our lives.

In each of our lives we need to find balance. Memory is our connection to the past. Vision is our connection to the future. Awareness is our connection to today. Without a connection to the past we become rootless. Without a connection to the future we are hopeless. Without a connection to today we without passion. Without a connection to God we are powerless.

How are you doing? Are you staying on the beam? Are you struggling to stay on? What are you doing today that will help you maintain and grow your bablance?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My balance depends on my focus. When I am too focused on things other than my relationship with God, I struggle on that beam!