Tuesday, November 27, 2007

You Don't Have To Have This, In Order To Have This!

At Ransomville Free Methodist we are blessed to have the opportunity to add Pastor Greg Harp as an Associate on staff. Together as the Pastoral Team we share responsibility for leadership and equipping responsibilities for the people of RFMC.

One aspect of our duties means being able to respond to crisis situations and those things which occur outside normal "business hours". We take this very seriously, and so added a special cell phone number for people to use. Every other week Greg hands the phone to me, and a week later, I hand it back to him. Carrying one phone is cumbersome enough, but two phones bring additional challenges.

One morning as I was leaving the house and strapping on the phones, I asked myself the question, "Why do I have this? The obvious answer came back to me, but then another thought krept in - "I don't have to have this, in order to have this". What a strange thought. But in those crucial moments it ocurred to me - it is true. The phone we use has call forwarding. I don't have to carry the actually phone to have all the benefits of the phone.

Then I had another thought - I don't have to have the tangible, bodily Christ, to have the Christ. In Scripture when He ascended He said He was coming back, but He was sending us His Holy Spirit. "I'm with you always" is a great Truth and reality of Scripture, my life, and I hope your life!

Today remain connected to the greatest source of Life!

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